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Holy Week Day 1 - Palm Sunday

Updated: Apr 3, 2023

Jesus is very aware of who He is and what he has been called to do. He knows that He is the direct fulfillment of holy and ancient prophecies (Zechariah 9:9). He is not caught up in the moment, but rather motivated by an ancient and sovereign plan that He would be in this moment, at this place, doing these specific things. His heart is not moved by popular acclaim but by the will of his Father.

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem perched on a colt, it was the first time since raising Lazarus from the dead that He’d been in the city. The story of Lazarus’ resurrection had circulated so that many regarded Jesus as a celebrity. Everyone wanted to catch a glimpse. The crowd has no idea who Jesus actually is and what he has really come to do. They cry, “Hosanna” (which means, “Save us”), but the salvation they are looking for is temporal and political. They think the Messiah will set up an earthly kingdom that will break the back of Roman rule.

The focus of the crowd is on the present, while the eyes and heart of the One on the colt are focused on eternity. He could have power now. He could call on angelic armies to preserve His life and to crush His enemies. He could exercise His power for His own escape, but He knows the result would be humanity’s eternal doom.

From that horrible moment of disobedience in the garden, humanity has cried for the coming of this King. He is coming to defeat what we could not defeat. He is coming to give what we could never earn. He is coming to reign forever and ever and, in his reign, to fix everything that sin has broken. He rode to His death so that we would reign in life with Him forever. He did what He did so that, in a world made new again, we would sing hosanna songs to Him forever and ever and ever.

The events of this day are recorded in Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44, and John 12:12-19.


Father God, Your Word is true, and You are faithful. You promised salvation through the Messiah and today we remember that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies of our promised Redeemer. Even though He was the King of Kings, He humbled himself as a gentle Saviour. We celebrate Him today as King. Help us to follow His example of humility and peace. To those around us, make us a light of Your love and a witness of Your Gospel.


Forward City


Sunday morning gatherings at 10AM
Chatham Cultural Centre

75 William St N, Chatham, Ontario

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