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Holy Week

Holy Week is around the corner. This is the week between Palm Sunday and Easter (April 2 and April 9 this year) that Christians have traditionally devoted to honouring and meditating on 'the passion of Jesus Christ' — the suffering and pain Christ endured as He committed His life to paying for the sins of the world.

Some of you may be familiar with Holy Week, and used to observing it. Some of you won't be, and may even question the point. To be clear — observing Holy Week does not make you a Christian or not; and none of this 'scores points' with God or makes us better Christians. However, Holy Week was established by people who love Jesus, and acknowledge that we are drawn to Christ and His likeness when we remember all He's done for us, especially His willingness to humble Himself and suffer for sinners who would reject, mock, and crucify Him. Observing Holy Week can be a great blessing.

This year, for Holy Week, we will be releasing daily devotions, starting Sunday, April 2. These are meant to bless you, and help you to think upon Christ, commune with Him, and grow in gratitude for our Saviour, Friend, and King.

In the meantime, if you are interested in reading through Jesus' final week-long journey to the cross throughout the next week, here is a suggested reading plan:

Sunday, April 2

Official Presentation of Jesus to Israel

Luke 19:29-44, Matthew 21:11-17, Mark 11:1-11, John 12:12-19

Monday, April 3

Cleansing of the Temple

Mark 11:12-18, John 12:20-50

Tuesday, April 4 - Morning

Official Challenge of Christ’s Authority

Mark 11:19-25, Matthew 21:23-23:39, Mark 12:1-40, Luke 20

The Poor Widow

Mark 12:41-44

Tuesday, April 4 - Afternoon

Prophesies Based on Jewish Rejection

Matthew 24:1-25:46

Wednesday, April 5

The Plot to Kill Jesus

Matthew 26:1-16

Thursday, April 6

The Last Supper

Luke 22:7-16, John 13:1-38, Luke 22:17-20, John 14:1-17:26

Gethsemane 10:30 PM- 1:00AM

Matthew 26:30-46

Friday, April 7 - Morning

Christ's Arrest 2-3AM

John 18:2-12, Matthew 26:47-56

Annas 2:30 AM

John 18:13-24

Caiaphas 3-4:30 AM

Matthew 26:57-68

Peter’s Denials 4:30 AM

Matthew 26:69-75

Sanhedrin 5-5:45 AM

Luke 22:66-71, Matthew 27:3-10

Pilate-Herod-Pilate 6:00 -9:00AM

John 18:28-38, Luke 23:6-12, Matthew 27:15-26, John 18:39-19:16

Torture and Travel to Execution

Matthew 27:27-32, Luke 23:26-33a

Crucifixion 9:00-12:00 Noon

Matthew 27:35-44, John 19:18-27, Luke 23:33b-43

Friday, April 7 - Afternoon

Crucifixion-Darkness Covers 12 Noon to 3 PM

Matthew 27:45-56, John 19:28-30, Luke 23:46, Matthew 27:51-56

Piercing of Side and Disposal of the Body 3-5 PM

John 19:31-42, Mark 15:42-45, Luke 23:55-56

Saturday, April 8

Securing of the Tomb

Matthew 27:62-66

Sunday, April 9 - Morning

Appearance in the Garden

Matthew 28:1-8, Luke 24:12, John 20:3-18

Sunday, April 9 - Afternoon

Appearance on the Road

Luke 24:13-35

Sunday, April 9 - Evening

Appearance to the Ten Apostles

Luke 24:36-43, John 20:19-25


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